Совет за социјална заштита

Social Protection Council established

Pursuant to the Law on Social Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" 104/2019 and 146/2019) certain competencies have been assigned to the municipalities, including the competence given in Article 11, paragraph 1 line 4 which states: "municipalities form a Council for social protection for the territory of the municipality ". The Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo, established by Decision of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo no. 09-1986 / 1 from 21.10.2019, adopted the Social Plan of the Municipality of Delchevo for 2020 (hereinafter Social Plan). The social plan contains a mapping of social problems and vulnerable groups in the municipality, an analysis of the capacities and available social services, as well as the specific needs for development of social services in the municipality.

Main activities of the Social Protection Council:

From the inspection in the realization of the Local Action Plan for social protection 2019-2021, as well as the conditions and needs of the different social groups at the level of the Municipality of Delchevo, the Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo determined the following activities for 2020:

  • Identification of all risk groups at the municipal level;
  • Insight and disposal of relevant data;
  • Analysis of data and conditions, performing comparative analyzes;
  • Identification of priority interventions (measures and forms of social protection;
  • Identification of relevant social forces (institutions, NGOs, private sector, etc.);
  • Monitoring, determining and analyzing the achieved results and realized activities from the implementation of the plan and program for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo;
  • Regular communication, meetings and exchange of data and information with all social forces at the municipal level;
  • Transparent operation and publication of annual reports from the implementation of the planned activities according to the social protection plan;
  • Proposal of new programs and forms of social protection (provision of social services by licensed social service providers in the municipality);

To promote socialand protection in the Municipality of Delchevo,  is needed introduction social services that are individualized and tailored to the specific needs of the user and the family that implies Comprehensive mapping of all existing institutions in the municipality, their competencies and their possible inclusion in the field of social services that will be provided to the citizens of the Municipality of Delchevo.

The Council of the Municipality of Delchevo, at the proposal of the Mayor, at its 30th regular Session held on 21.10.2019 adopted DECISION for establishing a Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo iand realization of the activity of social protection in the Municipality of Delchevo and development of local measures and activities for social protection in accordance with the Law on Social Protection, a Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo is established.

The Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo has the following competencies:

  • prepares a Social Plan for the area of the Municipality of Delchevo, on the basis of which the Mayor of the Municipality of Delchevo prepares an Annual Program for social protection adopted by the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo after a previous opinion from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of RSM;
  • proposes local measures and activities for social protection.

The mandate of the members of the Social Protection Council is 4 (four) years from the day of the adoption of the Decision for establishment of the Social Protection Council.


The Council for social protection of the Municipality of Delchevo is formed in the following composition:

Suzana Petrovska, претставник на Општина Делчево,

Марија Аџиска, претставник на ОВР Делчево,  ПС- ОН Делчево,

Kristina Aralampievska, претставник на Основно јавно обвинителство Делчево,

Спец. Др Љупка Калаџиска , претставник на ЈЗУ Здравствен дом „Гоце Делчев„ Делчево,

Vlatko Mitev , претставник на ЈУ Меѓуопштински центар за социјални работи Делчево

Сања Костадиновска претставник на Центар за вработување Делчево,

Vesna Dimitrovska, претставник на СОУ „М.М.Брицо„ Делчево,

Mariana Stoimenovska, претставник на ООУ „Ванчо Прке„ Делчево,

Verica Boinska, претставник на ООУ „Св.Климент Охридски„ Делчево,

Biljana Georgievska, претставник на Црвен крст на Република Северна Македонија Општинска организација Делчево,

Александар Николов, претставник на ЗГ „БРАВУРА КООПЕРАТИВА„ Делчево,

Санела Момчилов, претставник на НВО КХАМ Делчево,

Бети Толевска , претставник на Организација ЖЕНА Делчево,

Презвитер Милан Ничевски, претставник на Делчевско – Каменичка епархија

Оџа Сефадин Селимовски, претставник на Исламска Верска Заедница Џамија „Фатих Мехмед II„ Делчево