The manual "Children and their safety in traffic" distributed in Delcevo schools

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The manual for parents "Children and their safety in traffic" arrived in Delcevo primary schools. The manual is intended for parents of children who have completed the second grade, and should help parents to learnhow to get to school safely and how to return safely at home. The manual covers the most important rules and regulations in traffic that children should be taught; using a seat belt and child car seat; the most common mistakes with which drivers endanger traffic safety; appeals, messages and advice for greater safety of children in traffic, which will directly affect the raising of public awareness for safe and responsible participation in traffic and protection of children.

The manual was prepared by the Republic Council for Traffic Safety, and was distributed in Delcevo schools through the Municipal Safety Council, and the purpose of this publication is to contribute to achieving the strategic goal of the state -the number of children killed in traffic accidents to be zero,. To realize this concept is necessary yes are investmentat all social forces, efforts and instruments that are available, but the role of the parent / guardian and the family is crucial.
