Procedure for exemption from payment of utility fee for public lighting

Type - Name of the service
Procedure for exemption from payment of utility fee for public lighting
Required documents

1. Барање до Совет на Општина Делчево – готов образец во ОЦУ – кој граѓанинот/клиент го пополнува (во барањето да се наведе образложение за причините зошто се бара ослободувањето)
2. Photocopy of the last paid bill for consumed electricity
3. Photocopy of ID card
4. Payment slip for administrative fee

Administrative tax

Administrative tax

Amount: 50 denars.

Account: 100000000063095

Payment account: 840 120 03182

Revenue code: 72231500

Recipient: treasury account, Budget of the Municipality of Delchevo

Recipient Bank: NBRM

Purpose: request

Receipt of the request

Municipal Service Center (MTC)

Place of realization

Municipality of Delchevo

Deadline for realization

Within 15 days from the day of receipt of the Request, a response to the request will be prepared and if the request is justified, it will be forwarded to the Municipal Council for decision. After a positive decision is made by the Municipal Council, it is forwarded for execution to the competent service of EVN-Macedonia.

Manner of submitting the service / document

In the manner specified by the applicant in the application:

  • personal pick-up from OCU by the applicant – service requester
  • by mail – with delivery to the applicant's address
Required requirements
Deadline for appeal
Legal basis

Law on Communal Fees (Official Gazette of RM, No. 61/04 and amendments 64/05, 92/07, 123/12, 154 / 15,192 / 15, 23/16)
