Јавен повик за крајни корисници за Општинско- корисна работа за активноста „Мобилен тим за посета за стари и изнемоштени лица и лица со попреченост“

The Municipality of Delchevo informs all interested persons who want to use the services of the program "Municipal-useful work", for the activity "Mobile visiting team for the elderly and infirm and people with disabilities" (procurement of hot meal, procurement of basic products for hygiene and nutrition, prescription and procurement of medicines, payment of bills, escort of a doctor or some other institution as needed, joint walk and socializing) да се пријават во просториите на Општина Делчево најдоцна до 30.08.2021 (понеделник).

The application can be filled in by a third party on behalf of the end user of the services from the project "Social Services for All".

Критериуми според кои ќе бидат определени 32 крајни корисници се:

  • The user is not able to perform the services offered by the project;
  • The user to live alone or to spend most of the day alone;
  • The user must belong to one of the socially vulnerable categories (elderly or disabled person).


Municipality of Delchevo

 Municipal project coordinator

           Natasha Dimitrovska
